Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wow, just wow.

I went to the meeting!  yeeeeeaaaaah!  and it wasn't scary.  because I've been doing WW online, I wasn't worried about the number on the scale, so there was less pressure.  I weighed in at *sigh* 205.4lb.  maybe this would freak someone else out, but I've been at or around this weight for a few months, and i'm down from 225, so whatever.
after I got weighed in, the best thing that could of happened occurred.
i turned around and saw my friend, Animal*.  she started WW a few weeks ago and i didn't know.  having a friend, a real friend from my regular life, what a blessing.  she seemed really happy to see me there, as well, which was really nice.  also, Animal is rocking the program so far, HELL YEAH!
our regular leader was out for the week, but the substitute did a pretty good job.  this particular meeting is on the rowdy side, so i think the sub wasn't expecting to have to work quite so hard to be heard.  still, all in all, a good time. 
we talked about food and satisfaction, and some people shared their success.  a really foxy gal had just reached 50lb. lost, and i was so glad for her.  I liked seeing that the program really does work when you work it.  she talked about loving clothes again, which is so great to hear, because I love clothes, even at the size I am now. 
I drove home with a huge smile on my face.  I really feel like this is the time for me to do this. I have support both near and far (thanks to Bitch Cakes and Trixie Mercury for rock star blogs of awesomeness, so inspiring).  Also, things in my life have settled into a nice pattern that I can handle.  I plan on kicking WW ass, so look out, future!
After I got home, my husband and I went to our neighborhood spot for dinner, and we ran into  three ladies from my meeting!  One of them is a long time acquaintance, one of them I didn't know, and one of them was Ms. Fifty lbs. herself.  Proving that not only does WW work, but you can still eat at yummy restaurants, you just have to keep track of yourself.  I love it.
Cheers, ladies.
*name changed until I ask her if it's cool to write about her.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you!

    Just something I like to suggest to members: If you haven't already, start taking measurements right away, because it's a huge motivator when the scale isn't moving. I didn't, but I've found that the members who do, are far less frustrated when the scale isn't moving as fast as they'd like and I always wished I had done it.

    Anyway, thank you for mentioning me! This is a reminder that I need to write a new Fn post. Ha!

    I look forward to following along with your WLJ!
