Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have been a weight watchers online member since the fall of '08.  When I initially joined, I was able to use the program to lose about 26lb., which made a huge difference in my life.  I felt so much better, so good in fact, that I let myself slip here and there, and slowly over the course of the next year, I gain back 10 of those lost pounds.  Last spring, in 2010, I decided enough was enough, and I attended my first WW meeting.  It was great.  People who understood, an energetic and wise leader, and most of all, the accountability I needed to finally get back on track and lose the weight for good. 
Best laid plans, blah blah blah...I went two more times, until life got the better of me.  I was opening my bakery at the time and the long hours and stress won out over meal planning, meeting attendance, and workouts.  Again, I felt like I'd let myself down, and I vowed to go back if I was ever able to focus on me and my own issues. 
Since then, this year has been all upheaval for me, some of it terrible, some of it wonderful.  The place I'm in now is so much better.  I have my confidence back (mostly) and I realize that I need to focus on myself every now and then so I can deal with the other stuff: my relationships, my shop, family, etc.
All of this leads me to this:
I'm going back to meetings, tomorrow.  I have registered, scheduled it, and I feel proud of my decision.  After I see it through, I'll report back, wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome decision! The success rate is much higher in the meeting rooms and I believe very strongly that it is important to find a leader and a group you click with to get the most helpful aspects of the program.

    Good for you for taking the time for yourself! Proud of you!
